Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wadi Zarqa

Before arriving in Jordan I had an idea about the climate to expect: a desert. I never expected to find lush scenes of rushing steams, waterfalls and greenery.

At first glance the route along the Dead Sea highway epitomizes Jordan’s dry and barren climate. However, take a closer look and you will find flourishing greenery, nourished by rushing steams fed by underground hot springs in between some of the canyons.
In some areas the canyon’s twists and turns and multi-colored rocks with rushing steams of lukewarm spring water.
As the hike continued I found myself walking underneath large overhanging rocks, between cave-like rock formations, around multi-colored puddles of rich mineral run-off and through many more breathtaking scenes. After a few more kms wading through the rushing spring and maneuvering around the rocks becomes a little more demanding. The guides were who ran the hiking group were wonderful and at one stage we abseiled round a high rock on the ropes they carried in.

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